Privacy Policy

Assalam o Alaykum,

We welcome you all to our Privacy Policy page.

For starters, let’s be clear on the fact that this policy is meant to set out how we handle your personal information, whether you are a visitor or a student. This policy will govern how we maintain and disclose the info collected on our website. It applies to all services offered by the platform of Best Quran Teaching.

Data Collection and Usage

You can freely visit our website without having a fear of data theft from your device. In case you decide to register on our portal, you are required to disclose Personal Information. The purpose of this is to establish communication with the instructor and our whole agency. The collected info is used mainly for continuing procedures and provision of services.

Following are some elements of Personal Data, we ask for

  • Name, e-mail address, contact details, tax information, IP addresses
  • financial Information (Bank Account details or Credit Card info)
  • Device details, traffic data, advertising data, stats on page impressions, web blog info
  • Additional info for authentication and customization of services
  • The reason behind the collection of content and traffic data is to secure identification and to remove malfunctions in the telecommunication system.

How We Collect Personal Data?

We collect Personal Information if the user voluntarily provides it. The user has the authority to decline the provision of information. However, if they do so, it will prevent them from using certain activities on the Site. The information can only reach us if you have completed the Sign-up Registration and purchase services on our website. We also get your information when you subscribe to the e-mail list, submit feedback, or try to communicate with us through any other means.

How We Use Personal Information?

Following are a few ways we intend to use your personal information:

  • To customize the experience for our valued clients
  • For technical analysis of the website and figuring out the loopholes in services
  • To enhance our customer services
  • To cater to all requests, we receive upon feedback
  • Monitor activities on the site
  • To promote the products and services which we feel are apt for you
  • For processing the payments
  • For responding to legal requirements send regular emails

How We Protect Your Information?

We ensure authentic data collection and storage methodologies. The processing of collected data is performed under highly secure algorithms. We aim to prevent unauthorized access in all dimensions of our website. Everything from the users like their passcodes, transaction information, and username is kept within a protected window.

As for the software, we are using McAfee platforms, Cloudfare measures, and SSL for encryption of data. Meanwhile, only a few employees have permission to access customer information.

Sharing Your Personal Information

We do not sell or rent customers’ data to external entities. Unlike some other portals, we are not even using the students’ data for behaviorally targeted advertising. Neither we allow companies to analyze the demographics and craft adverts for the target market.

Policy for Minors

Our beloved juniors can only avail of our services under the supervision of an adult. We have a strict policy of not demanding personal information from the kids. There is a kid-safe Seal that we have integrated into our website.

Data Access and Retention

Each student who signs up on our website has the right to access their information. They can view and review the components which they do not agree upon. Those students who decide to leave the portal have the permit to cancel their accounts. Once they have cancelled, we will retain their data for 48 months. After that, it is discarded, and there are no records kept.

Third-Party Websites

Users will find adverts and promotional content of other forums on our website. These are what we term as “third-party websites.” We make sure that all websites of suppliers, sponsors, and partners stick to the privacy policy provided by us. However, we hold no responsibility for the content that appears on their pages.