
Female Tutors for Female Students

Female tutors for female students
Best Quran Teaching fully understands the concerns of its female students. We have taken a team of female tutors on board who are responsible to teach and train the female students.
These tutors are exceptionally capable and come from a sound academic background. They have several years of experience and they understand all the rules of this forum. Not only this, but the team of female tutors has developed a reputation of being friendly, knowledgeable, and authentic.
You can take some trial classes to get an inside view and check their aptitude yourself!

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  • Orphans
  • Individuals above 50 years of age
  • People with limited financial resources
  • Non- Arab teacher
  • Class Duration 30 mints

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  • 12 classes per month
  • 3 classes every week
  • One-to-one lesson
  • Non-Arab teacher
  • Class Duration 30 mints

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  • 16 classes per month
  • One-to-one lesson
  • 4 classes every week
  • Non-Arab teacher
  • Class Duration 30 mints

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  • $8 Per Session
  • Each class is of 45 minutes
  • One-to-one lessons
  • Flexibility to reschedule the classes
  • Arab teacher having strong command on Arabic

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