Welcome, Ramadan!

One sight on the new moon and our entire state of Imaan flips over. That’s the thing about Ramadan. It changes our hearts. Even when we have not fasted yet, offering the first Taraweeh prayers makes us feel good and uplifted.

However, it is quite sad that many of us are clueless about the way to spend this blessed month. We want to make the most out of it. But we cannot do so because of our lack of knowledge. Similarly, many amongst us have high spirits in the beginning. And as the month goes by, their spirits die down.

The only solution to this dilemma is to open the Quran. In it, we find guidance and the correct direction from our Lord for all affairs of our life.

Of all the commands mentioned in the Quran, the rulings about fasting are discussed comprehensively in Surah Baqarah.

“Oh, you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may learn piety and righteousness.” [Quran,2:183]

The entire passage, henceforth, discusses the actions allowed during the fasting and contains the instructions for people who can’t fast. Apart from this, Allah makes an important revelation here. He provides how Ramadan is the month of the Quran. This connection between Ramadan and the Quran makes things easier for us. We can reap maximum rewards by making our Ramadan a period to reflect and recite the Quran.

It is beneficial to prepare beforehand. This gives you an idea and makes it easy for you to design a schedule for the days to come. Here is how you should Welcome Ramadan:

  1. Decorate

You are about to enter the holiest month of the Islamic Calendar. It is the time to rejoice and convey the happiness around you. You can do that by putting up decorations around your house. Tiny fairy lights, colorful banners, and cute lanterns bring a pleasant aura to your house.

This is hugely beneficial if you have kids in your household. They learn at a very young age that there is something special about these days. Decorations before the onset of Ramadan makes them excited. It serves as a visual reminder and raises their anticipation.

  1. Set Up a Countdown

You can move your calendar backward. For instance, if there are twenty days left for Ramadan, you put your calendar to 20 and keep turning the pages back until Ramadan arrives.

Or on the tenth or twentieth of Sha’aban, you can paste a note on your fridge stating the number of days left to Ramadan. As days go by, you can cross and move one number back. This way, people in the house become aware and get to know that things are going to change.

Muslim families across the globe the psychological impact of the countdown has been appreciated by many

  1. Plan the Good Deed Ramazan Schedule

As mentioned earlier, Ramadan is the month where you have to establish a connection with Allah. And that happens via good deeds.

So, make sure you prioritize tasks well. Plan the good deeds that are within your capacity. It includes Zakah, Quran, Salah, and Tasbeeh (the easiest of all):

“Is anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand Hasanah (rewards) a day?” Someone from the gathering asked, “How can anyone of us earn a thousand Hasanah?” Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: “Glorify Allah a hundred times by just saying “Subhanallah” and a Good deeds will be written for you, or a thousand sins will be wiped away.” (Muslim)

You have to be vigilant of every moment in Ramadan. To make things easier, you can create a chart of good deeds. Write all the targets you want to achieve. For example, you can write the pages of the Quran you will read each day, the sadaqah you want to do, and the portion of the Holy Book you wish to understand. If you need professional guidance, we suggest you enroll in an Online Quran Teaching Academy.

  1. Food Prep

You cannot afford to lose the precious hours in the kitchen preparing food for the iftar. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to cook anything and worship all the time. The key here is to plan efficiently.

You must prepare ahead and prepare a few dishes before the month arrives. This way, you can serve scrumptious meals to your families and sustain a strong bond with Allah, too.


The Holy Month is standing at the corner. It is wise if we chuck out all our worldly affairs so we can focus on worship. For a month, we have to put aside the affairs of the Dunya. It becomes easy if you look around you and reflect on how Allah (SWT) has blessed you beyond measures.

We can never repay Him. The least we can do is be grateful to Him and call out to Him in the blessed month. And eventually, we will discover our entire year will fill up with Barakah, insha’Allah


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