Corona-virus – An Islamic Perspective

These days, Corona-virus is something that everyone is talking about. The outbreak initiated in China, and so far, it has affected about 100 countries on the world map. Upon recommendations of the scientists, people around the globe are avoiding crowded places, canceling their travel plans, and taking precautions like working remotely.

It got even worse when Saudi Arabia banned pilgrimage for residents and outsiders in the past week. According to the Gulf SPA, this move was the “precautionary measures taken by Saudi authorities to prevent the spread of the virus.” So far, more than 60,000 people have applied for the upcoming Hajj event. And all of a sudden, Saudi Arabia has abandoned further accepting requests. Although all of these measures are only temporary, it is an alarming situation for the Muslims.

As the disciples of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), we have to examine everything in the light of Islamic Law. There is a narration of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that tells us not to enter or leave an infected city. We must have a firm faith that death is a fact. It will catch everyone at their appointed time. We have no idea if we will be alive the next day. Thereupon, fleeing from the city or country is not a good idea.

Another approach you can adopt is to take precautions. Islam calls upon its followers to perform two tasks for seeking protection from diseases:

Preserve your souls. That is, try all the practical measures recommended by experts to protect ourselves from all harm.
Focus on your cleanliness. The Prophet (PBUH) clearly said: “Purification is half of faith.” (Muslim)

Our religion is beautiful. You must have heard how doctors across the world are recommending people to wash their hands and be extra alert of their cleanliness to minimize the chances of being infected. Our religion has been asking us to do so for a long time! SubhanAllah!

When we perform ablution, we wash the hands and face, rinse the mouth and nose. These actions are known to curb the spread of infectious diseases. These are the main areas through which germs spread (hands, face, respiratory tracks) are frequently cleaned. Just imagine if you perform Wudhu five times a day, how much you are reducing the risk of infection with minimum efforts!

Therefore, all we need to do is follow the Sunnah and way of life given to us by Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (PBUH). Being afraid and running away will bring no good. Remember, our final destination is in the Hereafter. Our lives here are temporary. Adorn them with Islamic laws and put your trust in Allah (SWT).

May Allah give us the strength to be staunch followers of Islam and protect us from all harms. Ameen!

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