Tips to Memorize Quran

Learning the Quran by heart is a huge task. It is a path that is filled with challenges and obstacles. This is one reason why Allah (SWT) has kept great rewards for His servants who go above and beyond in this pathway.

A blessing of the current age is that we can learn Quran online. In the previous centuries, people took great pains traveling to the teachers who lived miles away. Nowadays, we have the technology to assist us in all small and big tasks. There are various platforms available out there that provide online Quran teaching services to students worldwide.

If you feel like you cannot travel long distances and the local Institute doesn’t provide quality education – you can always look for online Quran teaching services. Unlike the other courses, memorizing the Quran online is quite challenging. It requires an immense amount of time, energy, and patience from students as well as tutors.

Before leaping towards the tips to memorize the Quran online, let us shed light on its virtues. Perhaps you will feel empowered to drive yourself on this journey.

Virtues of Memorizing Quran

The Holy Quran guarantees this world’s happiness and the Hereafter for those who attach themselves to it. It will become their intercessor on the Day of Judgment, as Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) says in a Hadith:

“Read the Quran, for it will come as an intercessor for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection.”

This Book will also save people from the torment of Hellfire. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) says in a different Hadith:

“If you put the Quran in a cuticle, and then you throw it in the fire it will burn not.”

As per the scholars of Islam, the term (Ihab) cuticle means one who memorizes the Quran and reflects on its meaning. When it comes to the Haafiz-e-Quran, they will enjoy a great stature on the Day of Judgment. The angels will accompany them on the Final Day. As Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) says in a Hadith:

“The one who recites the Quran and he is proficient with it; then he is with the noble and blessed Angels.”

Even the teachers who struggle to make their students learn the Quran will enjoy considerable benefits in Hereafter. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

“The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.”(SahihBukhari: 4739)

All of these mentioned Ahadith help us to derive upon the conclusion that a person who devotes himself to read, learn, and teach the Quran is indeed remarkable in the eyes of Allah (SWT).

If you feel motivated to put yourself on the journey of memorizing the Quran online, keep reading this blog. We have some helpful tips for people who want to learn the Quran online:

Tips to Memorize Quran Online

Start Small

A journey of thousand miles always begins with one step. When you enter the realm of memorizing the Quran online, you cannot expect to learn the entire Book within a month or two. You must keep in mind that this journey could be a long and bumpy one. If you keep praying to Allah (SWT) and keep yourself consistent on the path, you will surely attain your goals in a little time.

Commit yourself to memorize a few lines at one time. Make sure you have them locked in your heart and revise them. You can choose the number of lines according to your stamina and steadily build your pace.

Stay Consistent

Ask any psychologist, and they would tell you that consistency is the key to achieve your goals. Memorizing the Quran is no different either. Make a habit of learning some lines every day, and make sure you learn the same number every day.

Choose a time of the day when you are secluded and at peace. This could be after Fajr or after Maghrib. Commit yourself during that time, and don’t leave the place until those verses are etched in your heart.

Don’t Neglect Revision

Revision is integral to memorize the Quran online. Even when you join a Madrassah nearby, the tutors will emphasize ensuring that you are revising the previous lessons regularly. Your online Quran tutor will also have the same focus. They will help you revise the previous studies and advise you to keep reading the Juz you have already done.

One of the ways to revise Quran memorization is to read the previous lessons in your Salah. Slowly, it will lock in your brain, and you could recall them quickly.

Follow the Teacher

If you find your online Quran tutor asking you to keep revising the introductory lessons, don’t feel irritated. You should do what your teacher asks you to do as they have far more experience in this domain than us. It is okay to connect with your tutor and let them know about your problems and opinions.

An online Quran teacher on Skype will make sure they ease up the journey for their students. You can tell them about the pace you would like and what lessons are challenging for you to remember.

Parting Thoughts

In the end, it is all about how pure your intentions are. Whether you are learning Quran online or offline, you should make your intentions purely for Allah (SWT).

Abu Hurairah (radhiAllahuanhu) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Allah does not look at your figures, nor at your attire but He looks at your hearts [and deeds].”


We hope you will soon start your journey to memorize Quran online. Make sure you follow the tips we have provided, and you will soon obtain success, insha’Allah!

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