3 ways to implement and follow the Sunnah lifestyle

The Sunnah includes all that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, did, and all of his actions and behaviors. It would suffice to say that everything he said and every gesture he made during his life was a Sunnah.

In a broader sense, Sunnah also includes wishes. And prohibitions from Allah (SWT) levied on Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Allah (SWT) tells us, time and again, in the Quran that we should follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) if we want to prove our love for Allah (SWT). His whole life was a walking Quran, and following him is the path that will lead us to the Gardens of Paradise.

Importance of the Sunnah

The Sunnah of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is an excellent source of satisfaction and happiness in a Muslim’s life. In fact, there were many habitual actions of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) that science proves to be highly beneficial today. For example, he used to wake up early every morning. Today, being an early riser has been scientifically proven to bring better productivity and extensive health benefits.

No wonder why Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:

You have a good model in the Messenger of Allah for one who hopes for Allah and the Last Day.” [Qur’an 33:21]

We all have firm faith that this world will come to an end. It will be a day of chaos, and the Ummah of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) holds a good chance of being saved if they follow the Sunnah with sincere intentions. It is about time we explore the lifestyle provided by Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Signing yourself up for an online Quran course that you always wanted to should happen right away!

Merely chanting that “I love Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)” without showing any practical examples is not enough. Allah (SWT) wants concrete proof, and that comes if you try to implement a Sunnah lifestyle.

Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) once said,

“None of you will be regarded to have believed. Unless he loves me more than himself, his father, his children, and everybody.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

How to implement a Sunnah lifestyle?

Implementing the teachings and sayings of Prophet Muhammad

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