Find A Way to Reconnect with the Quran

Rekindling our relationship with the Quran is the need of the hour. As we see the Muslim Ummah trapped in the shackles of Western propaganda, there is nothing but the Quran that can save us all.

To our misfortune, Muslims worldwide, particularly the youth, are slowly traveling into a web spread by Western media. We feel inspired by their lifestyle. The luxuries they enjoy and their overall conduct keeps us in awe. Allah (SWT) and His beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) repeatedly instructed people to strengthen their connection with the Quran.

For example, here in the first verse of Surah Ar-Ra’ad, Allah (SWT) says:

“These are the Verses of the Book (the Quran), and that which has been revealed unto you (Muhammad (S)) from your Lord is the truth, but most men believe not.”

Over and over, we are told that bonding with This Book will protect us in this world and the Hereafter. The fact that you have read this blog so far proves your eagerness to connect with The Holy Book.

If yes, may Allah (SWT) bless you, abundantly!

Also, take a look at the following tips to ease this journey for yourself:

  1. Start Reading

Opening this Book, with the intention of mere recitation, brings incredible reward. The first step towards every goal is to acknowledge yourself with the basics. Recitation of the Quran opens a whole new world for you.

Don’t agonize over how many pages to read so that you can finish the entire recitation in the minimum possible time. Instead, recognize the beauty of slow and mellow recitation. We suggest you set a routine where you would recite a specific number of pages at a particular time. You can fix a slot after Fajr or after Isha.

Just make sure you adhere to the schedule.

  1. Learn Proper Tajweed

When you begin to recite, there is a high chance of making pronunciation mistakes. Arabic is a beautiful language. And Quran, in particular, has a unique dialect. Non-Arabs must enhance their understanding of highs and lows, symbols, and gestures required to read the Quran correctly.

You can enroll yourself in online tajweed classes or ask a professional tajweed tutor to aid you with this mission. As you begin the effort, it will be a little hard in the early days. But slowly, you will fall in love with the profound Arabic dialect used in the Quran.

For such people, Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:

Those to whom We gave the Book recite it as it should be recited, they are the ones that believe therein.” (2:121)

  1. Study Tafseer

Quran is the Book of Allah Almighty (SWT). And there are fantastic lessons hidden beneath the verses which we must know. Understanding the Quran should be our mission in this life as it allows us to understand what our Lord wants from us.

Allah (SWT) tells us the impact of reading and understanding the Quran can:

“take mankind from the depths of darkness to light” (14:1)

“guides them to the ways of peace” (5:16)

“guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers” (17:9)

You can join a Halaqah in the local mosque or enroll yourself in a nearby Islamic Institute. If none of this is possible, there is always an option of going for virtual learning. Nowadays, we have plenty of digital platforms where teachers from credible backgrounds help students learn the Quran online. It is flexible, easy, and quite accommodating for busy individuals.

A few days into an authentic program and you will find the state of your heart changing steadily. It compels you to rethink your life’s goals and make decisions that please Allah (SWT).

Final Thoughts

These are only a few tips that can help to enhance your journey towards the Quran. Once This Book becomes your partner, you will have a new set of priorities. For instance, you’d prefer to listen to beautiful recitations while driving instead of playing songs. And who knows, you might get the motivation to memorize the Quran from cover to cover?

May Allah (SWT) make us among his beloved servants and rekindle our relationship with the Quran forever!

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