Causes and Effects of Distance from the Quran in Muslim Society

For Muslims, the Quran is a word of Allah revealed to transform human life. It was meant to pull them out of darkness and show them the way of light. Sadly, the state of Muslim Society today is far from what was idealized by Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). Islam is facing a wave of uncertainty by many Muslims. The part played by social media and the Western-initiated propaganda are eventually causing a discontentment among the Muslims. Quran Effects

While most of us are playing the blame game, it is imperative to understand the part played by us. What is the reason of our deteriorating relationship with the Islam? What role can we play to ensure that this bond stays intact?

This blog will help the readers evaluate their spiritual state and judge if it needs a refurbish.

Causes of Distance from the Quran

As materialism slowly seeps in our lives, the space between Muslims and their basic faith has widened. There is a stark difference between practices of the ordinary Muslims in the past and the current practitioners of faith.

The luxurious lifestyle coupled with glamor demonstrated on the social media has impressed Muslim youth to the core. They are more interested to have a new iPhone in their hands instead of the Quran. The idea of being well-versed in modern education is more tempting for the young minds as compared to the idea of being well-versed about the Quran.

Along with that, constant Islam phobic thoughts initiated by the Western media are slowly polluting the minds of our next generation. There are doubts in the minds of many Muslims which stop them from pursuing their faith.

Moreover, the fact that Muslims parents are highly concerned about the worldly education of their child is making oodles of difference in their inclination towards Islam. The fact that most parents worry about sending their child to the best college or university instead of an Islamic institute is drifting children away from Islam. There is a gradual growth of perception where people believe that admitting a child to the Islamic Institute will cause a negative effect on their social standing.

Fundamentally, Islam is the continuation of faith that was sent down to the Prophets before Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). It is said in the Quran:

“Say (O Mohammed), We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ismael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was vouchsafed unto Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered” (3/84)

This verse and many more lay the foundation of Islamic belief system. However, some scholars of the current Muslim world have created disunity through their unacceptable belief system. Instead of guiding the Ummah to practice one ideology, there are multiple ideologies functioning at the same time. This causes a rupture in the Muslim front. Consequently, many young Muslims and converts lose heart in this prestigious religion. Quran Effects

Effects of Distance from the Quran

After reflecting on the causes, it is vital to explore the impact of this widening gap. Here are some consequences of distance from the Quran:

  • Growing love for worldly luxuries
  • Lack of affection for Islam
  • No strength among Muslims to defend their faith
  • Doubts and confusions about evident Islamic laws
  • Disunity in the Muslim Society
  • Uncertainty about the Day of Judgment
  • Humiliation in the community as Allah doesn’t love a person who turns away from the Quran
  • Doubts and bad perceptions about the practicing Muslims

Final Thoughts

There is a massive debate that talks about what drives Muslims away from their religion. At the same time, it is essential to highlight the ways we can adopt to narrow down this gap. We have to stand together, work on our rectification, and fix the loopholes in faith of people around us.

We hope our readers will figure out a creative way to do so. Don’t forget to tell us what your strategy is!



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