How to battle the temptations of Dunya?

Shaytan, upon its exit from the heavens, pledged to Allah (SWT). He said he would try at his optimal capacity to distract humankind from Straight Path. But Allah (SWT) expressed confidence in His beloved servants.

All the temptations and sins of this Dunya are roadblocks created by Devil. He aims to widen the distance between the slave and his Master. But as believers, it is our goal to fight these obstacles and draw closer to Allah (SWT). When this bond strengthens, you will discover all your worries vanish away automatically.

For starters, we must understand that sins appear attractive for a reason. Man is weak and prone to slip now and then.

The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

“The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever.” (Sahih Muslim: 2956)

A believer should stay mindful of Allah 24/7. If he does so, the protection of Allah will stop him/her in his/her tracks when he/she is about to err. On the other hand, a person who is not mindful of Allah believes he/she can get away with anything. They are likely to adhere by the YOLO (You Only Live Once) notion. It motivates them to maximize their enjoyment in this world, no matter how short-lived it is.

Instead of speculating over the ignorance of masses, an individual should start working on his/her self. What is it that causes them to slip from Straight Path? Why do they feel a void in their hearts despite having everything? How can they battle the sins head-on?

Below, we have rounded up four tips that will allow you to put a brave face and sway away from devilish pursuits. Let’s take a look:

  1. Check Your Heart

Sins do not materialize until the heart is vulnerable. No wonder that Allah (SWT) has blessed us with Surah An-Naas to seek refuge against Satanic whispers. The Surah tells us loud and clear how Devil encourages people to sin by attacking their hearts.

Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind – (Surah An-Naas: 05)

So, when you are treading towards Straight Path, cleanse your heart regularly.

  1. Strengthen Your Commitment

If your conviction of transition is not solid, you are likely to give up midway. It is vital to take some time to increase your sincerity. Jumping right into a massive change can result in the opposite effect. Work on your intentions and make sure you are doing it only for the sake of Allah (SWT).

And every time you feel tired during the journey, recall your commitment. You desired to change for Allah (SWT), so don’t shy away from seeking His assistance when things are tough.

  1. Boost Your Iman Dose

Today, we are living a fast-paced life. In our struggle to stay atop our games, we are unable to determine the real reason we came on this Earth. It was to preserve the religion of Allah (SWT), serve Him (SWT), and His Creation.

Sadly, competitions of this Dunya have enveloped us from all sides. We are more concerned about winning in our academic and financial grounds. However, when someone realizes that they are striding away from their original purpose, they must make up for it. One way to do that is to spike their Imaan.

Actions like doing Tasbeeh, having the righteous company, and understanding the Quran are preferable means to boost your Imaan.

  • The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) told us to ‘Keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah (SWT).’(Arba’in al Nawawi)
  • The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, ‘Verily, the parable of a good friend and a bad friend is that of a seller of musk and a blacksmith. The seller of musk will give you some perfume, you will buy some, or you will notice a good smell. As for the blacksmith, he will burn your clothes, or you will notice a bad smell.’ (Sahih al Bukhari)
  • Understanding the Quran will allow you to analyze your devotion to Allah (SWT). Hazrat Umar (RA) said, ‘Take yourselves into account before you are taken to account. Weight yourselves before you are weighed.’ [Ahmad]

Your skill lies in knowing how to make the most out of every second you are alive. For instance, Tasbeeh is easy to do. Just make a habit of uttering praises to Allah (SWT) in your heart. Similarly, delving into the teachings of Quran has also become easy. With Online Quran Learning projects and Digital Islamic Institutes, there is no need to travel long distances.

Apart from these, make sure your circle is equally committed to Allah (SWT) as they fuel your Imaan.

Final Words

All the while, when you are trying to fix your soul, keep performing your obligatory duties. Thinking that you will start praying tomorrow and you will only focus on Tasbeeh today is a wrong approach. Rather, keep doing good deeds, seek Allah’s help, and thank Him for all blessings.

We hope you will sort out your priorities and strive to be the slave Allah (SWT) takes pride in.


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