Rediscovering your love with Allah

All of us grew up listening to how Allah (SWT) loves us abundantly.

“He loves us seventy times more than our mothers.”

“His love and mercy are there for us, even when we sin!”

There are countless such statements spoken by our elders, denoting the ceaseless affection of Our Lord for us. But, let me ask you a trick question:

How many of us reciprocate this love? Do you ever cry just because you love Allah so much?

Sadly, we are caught in the hustle of this life. The rat race going around us makes it impossible to make time for Allah (SWT). We offer Salah like we are throwing off a burden from our shoulders. We rush through our Duas, paying no heed to the words that we utter.

The state of our Imaan is despicable!

But let’s snap ourselves out of the rut. Allah (SWT) questions us in the Quran:

“Fa’ayin’a Tazhaboon?”

It seems like a common question. Yet, when you reflect on it, you will discover it is brimming with the love of Allah (SWT). He adoringly asks His servants, “so, where are you going?”

“Where are you headed to, Ali?”

“What is your destination Zaid?”

“What will you get out of it, Hamid?”

Allah wants us to pause and evaluate our condition. Good for you that you have reached your goal of becoming a doctor or a teacher. However, what’s the game plan for your future?

The Action Plan

Being a Muslim, it is our ultimate duty to serve Allah. Besides worshipping him and obliging all His commands, we should serve the creation too. Remember that Allah (SWT) does not depend on us to defend His religion.

It is for our sake that we indulge in any activities beloved to Allah (SWT). You can only do so if you love Him back. There are plenty of ways to elevate your connection with Allah (SWT). Here are a few:

  • Recite Quran daily
  • Understand Quran through Tafseer
  • Study the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)
  • Spend more on charity
  • Recite Adhkar
  • Make Dua

Parting Notes

Remember, Allah (SWT) knows how messed up we are. If you begin fixing the connection today, He (SWT) will value your efforts. For instance, if you can’t attend a Halaqah on-site, there are plenty of virtual options available nowadays. Enroll yourself in an online Quran class or look for someone who teaches Tafseer online. Your sincerity towards the task will help you reach credible tutors, inshaAllah.

May Allah (SWT) make us tread on the Right Path. Aameen!


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